Research trends in educational innovation in Mexico: systematic mapping of the literature




Educational innovation, learning, education, teaching, technology


Educational innovation has been recognized as a transformative agent of the school, especially for its ability to offer alternatives to improve teaching and learning. However, the scientific production that overlaps the topics of innovation and education from the perspective of teaching practice is scarce. The aim of this research was to analyze and discuss the relationship between innovation and education mediated using technologies to analyze the trends that have emerged in Mexico. To achieve this, a systematic mapping of the literature was carried out between 2012 and 2021, where an adaptation of the PRISMA method was used. The findings indicate that educational innovation has been researched in five aspects: 1) the use of technologies and knowledge management; 2) sustainability, growth, and entrepreneurship; 3) disruptive innovation strategies in the classroom; 4) the presence of digital media in the classroom and gender approach; 5) the evaluation and quality of educational innovation. It is concluded that in the last 10 years educational innovation has been related to training activities linked to sustainable development and to the impact related to the productive sector. Besides, the main technological mediators are the use of virtual reality and open educational resources.


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How to Cite

George Reyes, C. E., & Contreras Fuentes, Y. B. (2023). Research trends in educational innovation in Mexico: systematic mapping of the literature. Transdigital, 4(7), 1–22.



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