Theoretical- explanatory model of success factors for didact integration of ICT in the classroom




ICT, teacher, teaching, didactic integration, didactic models


The arrival of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the educational field requires the creation of teaching models to facilitate their effective implementation by teachers. Therefore, this study developed a theoretical-explanatory model that identifies the key factors for the didactic integration of ICT in the classroom. This research had a qualitative, interpretive approach. To obtain the information, nine semi-structured interviews were carried out with experts in the use of ICT belonging to the University of Monterrey, Mexico. Likewise, three theoretical models related to the pedagogical integration of ICT in the educational environment were analyzed. The comparative method of Grounded Theory was applied to analyze the information obtained. A theoretical-explanatory model was proposed that includes four success factors: conceptualization of technologies, intensive integration of technologies, modes of use of technologies and steps for the didactic integration of technologies.


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How to Cite

Tapia Cortes, C., & Campolongo, B. (2024). Theoretical- explanatory model of success factors for didact integration of ICT in the classroom. Transdigital, 5(10), e355.



Research reports
