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Teacher’s perceptions about ICT and the implementation of a new educational model in the Faculty of Arts of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua




Educational innovations, Technology of the information and communication, educational models, Grounded Theory, university reform


The Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) is undergoing a university renovation, a new educational model is in the process of being implemented. This competency-based model demands the use of ICT. In order to understand the context of the new model in the Faculty of Arts of this university and the use of ICT, in-depth interviews were conducted with eleven teachers of the institution and the information obtained was processed through grounded theory method. Although the process of renovating the educational model is ongoing and can yet be modified, teachers are perceiving a risk of simulation. The lack of effective communication, the saturation of some teachers, and the lack of substantial administrative changes frame these perceptions. Change management strategies are necessary to be able to include educational technology in an integral way and transform the teaching practice that tends to maintain its traditional forms. Attitudinal and ideological changes must occur for a correct renewal of the educational model, but they must be supported by an administrative transformation that fosters an equitable work and academic environment.


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How to Cite

García Ruiz, L. A. (2021). Teacher’s perceptions about ICT and the implementation of a new educational model in the Faculty of Arts of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. Transdigital, 2(3).



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