Resilient narratives in higher education students




resilience, university students, narrative practices


The present research focused on the recovery of resilient skills in psychology students at the Autonomous University of Nayarit, México (UAN) through a workshop based on the proposal of Henderson and Milstein, and the narrative practices of White and Epston. It was considered that resilience is not an individual trait, but rather a social construction that develops through interaction with the environment. A qualitative methodology was used, with a phenomenological design and exploratory scope. The sample was made up of seven psychology students from the UAN who voluntarily participated in a four-session workshop. Data collection was carried out through a focus group and the conversations were analyzed in depth. Students identified and constructed alternative stories to victimization or failure. The importance of significant figures in the development of resilience, and the transmission of values and coping strategies, was recognized. The stories that students constructed about themselves had a significant impact on the way they faced difficulties. The workshop allowed students to develop resilient skills by recovering alternative stories, identifying significant figures, and understanding the importance of stories in building resilience. This work shows that resilience is a factor that is built socially and not internally and individually.


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Resilient narratives in higher education students

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How to Cite

Rábago de Ávila, M., Castillo Castañeda, G., & Pérez Sánchez, L. (2024). Resilient narratives in higher education students. Transdigital, 5(9), e324.



Research reports
