Formative interactivity: Photovoice in educational research




Interactivity, educational technologies, training, students, research


In the area of ??educational sciences, information communication, knowledge and digital learning technologies (ICTCAD) offer opportunities for training. Students and teachers converge in them, both in formality and informality to achieve a training intention. This is called formative interactivity. The objective of the work was to describe formative interactivity using the photovoice technique for the formation of investigative skills in undergraduate students in education. This is based on the question: What are the formative interactions based on the photovoice technique and in what spaces can they be facilitated to develop investigative skills? From a pragmatic paradigm, the qualitative analysis of a case study is presented, where the main results describe that training interactions through photovoice are oriented towards communication, understanding, expression of emotions, personalized learning, recognition . to the school institution, the personal commitment to happiness, the recognition of the present and the visualization of the professional and personal future of the student body. Finally, the spaces to develop these interactions can be face-to-face, virtual and ubiquitous since the key is the educational interactivity that is promoted through ICTCAD.


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"Interactividad formativa: Fotovoz en investigación educativa"

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How to Cite

Palacios Garcia, X. ha N., & Garduño Teliz , E. . (2024). Formative interactivity: Photovoice in educational research . Transdigital, 5(9), e306.



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