Descriptive analysis of the EGEL-COMPU exam and its academic testimony




EGEL-COMPU, academic performance, computer engineer


This article refers to the analysis conducted on the results obtained in the EGEL-COMPU exam supported by computer engineers from a university center in western Mexico. The objective of the research addressed the need to find the relationship between the level of performance obtained by the students and the scores achieved in the areas: DSA, DSBDE and SPCT, which make up the exam. The longitudinal temporality study collected data from five generations (2013B-2017B), with a record of 132 students, in addition, the behavior of the data was demonstrated when the sex and average of the students were used as classifiers. The results that are exposed were needed when applying the holistic method as a guide to carry out the research and quantitative data analysis techniques based on the available, in this sense, the results show that there is a high connection between the testimony of performance achieved by the students and the DSA and SPCT areas; the graduation average of the students and the sex are not determining factors in the testimony obtained at CENEVAL. Finally, it is recommended to expand the investigation to find conclusions where other variables are considered.


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How to Cite

Cornejo Gutiérrez, F., Franco Casillas, S., & Islas Torres, C. (2023). Descriptive analysis of the EGEL-COMPU exam and its academic testimony. Transdigital, 4(7), 1–16.



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