Analysis with data mining of the Curricular Framework and the 2022 curriculum of Mexican Basic Education
Educational model, text mining, educational system, educational reform, programming languageAbstract
Education should be guided by a clear path, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. This path would have the objective of guaranteeing quality education and the well-being of society, for which Mexico has the need to establish a new framework curriculum in favor of children and adolescents who experience situations of inequality in basic education, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to analyze the proposal document of the Curricular Framework and Study Plan 2022 to find those central elements that compose it and thus establish a comparison with its predecessors, Key Learning for Integral Education 2017 and Study Plan 2011 Basic Education. The comparison was made with text mining using R Studio with various packages such as Quanteda, Tidyverse, word2vec. The corpus was built with the three most recent educational models in Mexico. The text was preprocessed to run various analyzes with supervised and unsupervised methods. The results through text processing show marked differences in semantics and metric style: 2011 focuses on the discipline; 2017 is marked by skills and efficiency; finally, 2022 underlines the development of the community seeking to transcend the discipline, with a greater drive for the inclusion and well-being of the population in inequality.
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