Impact of the digital serious game to prepare university engineering students for the job selection interview




digital serious game, job interview anxiety, job interview, performance, MASI scale


The present study investigated the effect of serious gaming in job selection interviews in Engineering students at the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN), Chile. The application consisted of three levels to address the various parts of a job selection interview. This allowed users to be trained with strategies to face the challenges posed by this evaluation instance. The sample included 51 students from various engineering disciplines at UCN. The participants were divided into the Control Group and Experimental Groups 1 and 2, the last two groups were merged. Likewise, the participants were subjected to two instances of job selection interviews, before and after the interventions. This allowed their performance and anxiety levels to be evaluated. Results revealed statistically significant differences in STAR interview performance and behavioral anxiety. It was concluded that digital training and workshops reduce perceived anxiety and improve the performance of graduates.


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How to Cite

Stolzenbach Ramírez, R., Domic Siede, M., & Adaos Orrego, R. (2024). Impact of the digital serious game to prepare university engineering students for the job selection interview. Transdigital, 5(10), e385.



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