Digital and media violence in social networks




digital violence, affective violence, social networks, instant messaging


Nowadays, connectivity offers many advantages for interacting regardless of where we are. However, social networks have become a space where different forms of digital and emotional violence proliferate. Therefore, these actions encourage bullying in cyberspace and establish new interactions within social networks that can be manipulative or emotionally harmful. These actions are related to the anonymity and immediacy of information within social networks. Taking this into account, the perception and degree of knowledge that Internet users in southern Mexico have about digital and affective violence on social networks and instant messaging were analyzed. For this, a mixed approach was used, of an exploratory-transversal type, through four dimensions: knowledge, risk, exposure to threat and awareness of legal mechanisms. It was identified that the majority of users interact on Facebook and WhatsApp. On the other hand, the most recognized terms were stalking, cyberbullying, ghosting, gossip, stalking, cyberbullying, frexting, gromming and catfishing. Additionally, more than half of the participants mentioned that they were exposed to these types of violence. However, it was detected that users have a regular impact on the Mexican legal framework that protects rights in virtual environments.


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How to Cite

Ortega Hernández, C. C., López Maldonado, N. E., & Cabrera Gómez, T. del C. (2024). Digital and media violence in social networks. Transdigital, 5(10), e374.



Research reports
