Visualization of the sociotechnical relationships of artificial intelligence and graphic design




bibliometric visualization, socio-technical relationships, artificial intelligence, graphic design, bibliographic review


In the context of graphic design (GD), artificial intelligence (AI) is a disruptive technology that causes controversy and fascination. However, the joint work of AI with the GD has been in development for several decades. For this reason, based on several methods to interpret the bibliometric visualization and methodological elements, an analysis was carried out focused on different stages that the AI went through in relation to the GD. Likewise, the sociotechnical relationships that the AI and the GD built in recent years were identified. In this way, an ecosystem map was generated to understand the multiplicity of relationships and approaches of both disciplines to date. This evidenced a disciplinary synthesis stabilized through developing academic subareas and potential fields of application.


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How to Cite

Cid-Cruz, J. A., Díaz-Fernández, N. A., & Onchi-Rascón, A. T. (2024). Visualization of the sociotechnical relationships of artificial intelligence and graphic design. Transdigital, 5(10), e368.



Research reports
