Impact of artificial intelligence on human rights

challenges and opportunities for the Mexican State




human rights, artificial intelligence, ethics, regulation, human dignity


The study analyzed how artificial intelligence (AI) must operate within ethical and legal boundaries to improve human interaction and enable a fulfilled life. This analysis is crucial due to the presence of AI in everyday life and the impact it has on human dignity and fundamental rights. Considering the Mexican context, the need to adapt regulations to protect human rights in the face of technological advance was highlighted. This is essential to ensure that AI contributes to society without compromising the privacy and personal information of individuals. It was detected that specific regulations are lacking in Mexico. Additionally, risks such as privacy violation and potential job displacement were identified. For this reason, it is urgent to establish regulatory frameworks that guide the ethical use of AI. Failure to address these challenges will affect people's dignity and fundamental rights. It was concluded that the government, academia, and civil society must collaborate to develop public policies and ethical frameworks that regulate the use of AI. This will ensure that technology is used responsibly and promotes an environment of respect and fairness.


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How to Cite

Torres-Chávez, T. H., & Medina Romero, M. Ángel. (2024). Impact of artificial intelligence on human rights: challenges and opportunities for the Mexican State. Transdigital, 5(10), e363.



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