Sports coaching

improvement of communication in university sports teams




sports coaching, internal communication, university athletes, sports performance, communication skills, performance improvement


The study evaluated the impact of sports coaching on internal communication in university sports teams and the performance of athletes. The research was quantitative, with a pre- and post-test design, and a correlational-evaluative scope. 109 athletes and three coaches from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Autonomous University of Querétaro, Mexico, participated. The instrument used was a 22-item questionnaire with a Likert scale to measure internal communication and its effectiveness on team performance. The data obtained was correlated with performance metrics provided by the coaches. The results revealed variability in the quality of communication. In addition, strong areas were identified such as clarity of coach instructions and confidence in communication, and other areas of opportunity such as coordination and response to critical information. With this, a skills development program was developed. It is concluded that improving communication, specifically in peer counseling and the clarity of information related to practice, significantly optimizes the performance of university sports teams. It is recommended that programs be implemented continuously to develop assertive communication skills to maintain and enhance the positive results observed.


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How to Cite

Regalado Velázquez, R. A., & Velázquez Ugalde, J. M. (2024). Sports coaching: improvement of communication in university sports teams. Transdigital, 5(10), e359.



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