Development of a mobile application with App Inventor for the registration of students for the Summer of Scientific Research at the Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco, Mexico




android, app inventor, low-code programming, cloud database, prototype


This research developed a mobile application prototype to optimize student registration for the Summer of Scientific Research at the Juarez Autonomous University of Tabasco, Mexico. The aim was to improve accessibility and user experience compared to the current system, as registration for students and interaction with teachers was simplified. App Inventor was used to develop the application, as it allows you to create applications for Android without having to write source code. In addition, two databases were designed, one local with SQLite and another in the cloud using the Airtable platform. The application was designed with an intuitive graphical interface using standard App Inventor components, and extensions were integrated to connect with SQLite and Airtable. The research method used allowed us to collect, develop and evaluate the mobile application with user feedback. The tests showed that the application is effective for student registration and allows administrators to monitor applicants in real time. In conclusion, App Inventor, and free tools to manage databases are effective for developing mobile applications that improve educational processes.


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Autor de correspondencia

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How to Cite

Oramas-Pérez, J., & Chavez-Bosquez, O. (2024). Development of a mobile application with App Inventor for the registration of students for the Summer of Scientific Research at the Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco, Mexico. Transdigital, 5(10), e358.



Research reports
