Charting the internationalization: The role of university administrators at the University of Sonora, Mexico




management, educational policies, educational quality, internationalization


Internationalization is identified as a strategic response to globalization. This improves educational quality by promoting pedagogical innovation, collaborative research and academic mobility. In addition, it generates new sources of financing, diversifies income and reinforces the financial sustainability of the institution. This study focused on the challenges faced by the University of Sonora, Mexico, in its internationalization process, and the role of university managers in planning and implementing these strategies was emphasized. A qualitative analysis was conducted to examine how internationalization models from other regions were adapted and integrated into national public policies. In addition, institutional documents corresponding to the period 1983-2023 and 20 semi-structured interviews were analyzed. The study explored the motivations, logics and strategies used by university managers to integrate the international dimension in the institution, from curricular planning to the management of research projects and the promotion of international exchanges. This research offers a vision of how educational policies interact with university management, opening a space for critical reflection and debate on the challenges of internationalization in Mexican higher education.


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How to Cite

Durand Villalobos, J. P., & Valencia González Romero, K. A. (2024). Charting the internationalization: The role of university administrators at the University of Sonora, Mexico. Transdigital, 5(10), e356.



Research reports
