Academic inclusion at the Veracruz University, Mexico: exploratory analysis within the Faculty of Pedagogy




academic inclusion, higher education, academic perceptions, teaching practice, institutional inclusion


Academic inclusion guarantees equity and participation of all individuals. The Faculty of Pedagogy of the Veracruz University, Mexico, trains professionals in promotion and inclusive education. This study examined the dynamics of faculty scholars through a quantitative approach to explore perceptions, experiences, and institutional policies related to inclusion. To collect information, a questionnaire of 32 questions was created. Five areas were addressed: eliminating barriers to learning, promoting the participation of all, developing specific capabilities, cooperative work with students, and Universal Design for Learning. The questionnaire was applied to 19 professors to obtain significant data on inclusion in the faculty. The individual and institutional factors that influence academic inclusion were analyzed. In addition, the physical, social, and cultural barriers that affect inclusion were examined and the importance of inclusive policies, teacher training and flexible curriculum design was highlighted to promote an equitable and accessible educational environment.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Pena, R. I., & Aguirre Orozco, U. G. (2024). Academic inclusion at the Veracruz University, Mexico: exploratory analysis within the Faculty of Pedagogy. Transdigital, 5(10), e345.



Research reports
