Satisfaction in physiotherapy students when using electronic clinical records during the evaluation of elderly person




mobile application, electronic medical record, elderly person, satisfaction


Within the clinical record, the applied geronto-geriatric physiotherapy evaluation of elder people is recorded, but other formats and scales are also added for a functional assessment. Information and communication technologies allow the electronic health record (EHR) to store, retrieve, use, and analyze information to improve healthcare. The aim of this research was to determine the degree of satisfaction of the students of the Degree in Physiotherapy at the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ), Mexico, when implementing the EHR during the evaluation of elderly people. The research had a quantitative, descriptive, and observational approach, with a cross-sectional design. A satisfaction questionnaire with a Likert-type numerical scale was applied on the use of the EHR. This consisted of seven questions and was applied to 25 students of the seventh semester of the physiotherapy degree. The results obtained indicated that 56% of the participants had a high degree of overall satisfaction. The students of the Degree in physiotherapy considered that implementing the EHR offers better health care to elderly people.


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"Satisfaction in physiotherapy students when using electronic clinical records during the evaluation of elderly person"

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How to Cite

Zuria-Reyes, C. E., Piña-Díaz, N. D., Pedroza Vargas, M. E., Ortíz-Jaimes, P. E., & González-Hernández, M. P. (2024). Satisfaction in physiotherapy students when using electronic clinical records during the evaluation of elderly person. Transdigital, 5(10), e344.



Research reports
