Importance of interpersonal skills in higher education

Case of the Centro Universitario de la Cienega, Guadalajara, México




transversal skills, universal competencies, education, students


Interpersonal skills play an important role for learning, social interactions, and job searching. Entrepreneurs seek for people who have these skills to participate within their companies. The research analyzed students' perception of the importance of interpersonal skills during their university career. To collect data, a questionnaire was applied to 133 students belonging to the Centro Universitario de la Cienega, Guadalajara, México. Most respondents feel that interpersonal skills are useful for social interaction, but do not consider that they contribute to their academic performance. It was identified that teamwork, decision making, problem solving, time management and critical thinking skills were perceived as the most important skills for students. This article suggests strategies to improve students' social skills to improve their job prospects.


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How to Cite

Nolasco-Salcedo, M. D. C., Alfaro-Castellanos, K., & Bautista-Rangel, N. (2024). Importance of interpersonal skills in higher education: Case of the Centro Universitario de la Cienega, Guadalajara, México. Transdigital, 5(9), e335.



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