Use of social networks as informal learning tools in university students in the context of COVID-19




virtual social networks, informal learning, university students, virtual modality, face-to-face modality, pandemic


This research identified the use of social networks for informal learning before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, in university students. The quantitative approach was used with a descriptive scope and a non-experimental, cross-sectional design. A questionnaire was designed to measure the variable of interest, through Google forms that was shared with the teachers to distribute to the 106 students participating in the study. The results indicated that the use of social networks increased during the pandemic for the acquisition of informal learning. In addition, it was identified that YouTube, Facebook, and WhatsApp were the social networks most used by university students. On the other hand, during the pandemic, 18% of students dedicated more than three hours to informal learning. It can be interpreted that the use of social networks increased during the pandemic because students needed new figures that would allow them to learn and understand topics of interest to them to compensate for the absence of teachers.


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"Use of social networks as informal learning tools in university students in the context of COVID-19"

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How to Cite

Flores Mejía, J. G., Bernal Vargas, M. G., & Velázquez Gatica, B. (2024). Use of social networks as informal learning tools in university students in the context of COVID-19. Transdigital, 5(9), e334.



Research reports
