Digital inscription artifacts in postgraduate teacher education




actor network theory, artifact, teacher training, pandemic, postgraduate


Faced with the pandemic caused by Covid-19, higher education institutions looked for alternatives to continue their activities in home. This document describes the case of the master's students of a public university who worked online for four weeks. These students are education professionals, mostly basic education teachers who simultaneously work online with their own students. The study aimed to find out which digital devices they have access to and how they use them combined in postgraduate sessions to build an inscription artifact. For this, a questionnaire was first applied via the Google Form to a sample of 35 students that showed the most frequent electronic devices, the most common uses and the various combinations between them. A 12-hour online class was also transcribed via chat, by a graduate teacher with six of her students. Four fragments of transcription were selected to analyze the constitution of network actors, the trajectories traveled by the references of the content that was intended to be learned and the planes in which the inscriptions were used 


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How to Cite

De la Riva Lara, M. de J., & Álvarez Hernández, G. A. . (2020). Digital inscription artifacts in postgraduate teacher education. Transdigital, 1(2).



Research reports
