Unification of printed circuit boards of voltage regulators and compensators for domestic use





printed circuit boards, voltage regulators, voltage compensators, benchmarking


The study proposes an improvement for voltage regulators and compensators: it explored the unification of printed circuits and proposed the assembly line with the purpose of offering a competitive product with immediate availability to the Mexican market. The above was done considering the quality standards applicable to voltage regulators and compensators. The aim was to determine the feasibility of unifying four printed circuit boards of voltage regulators and compensators on a single board. The competitiveness and profitability analysis were also carried out with respect to current suppliers. For this, it was necessary to define a production model and determine production costs. Subsequently, the benchmarking analysis was carried out to determine if the proposed product is competitive, with reference to the products offered by current suppliers. The findings of the study suggest that there is technical feasibility in the development and unification of a single printed circuit board for four different models. However, it is also concluded that, in terms of costs, the generation of two unified cards would be better: one for voltage regulators and another for voltage compensators, since the latter require a greater number of components, such as relays and semiconductors for time setting (timer) and voltage cutoff functions. It is estimated that for the case of regulators, an additional reduction of up to 15% can be achieved in the cost of components that make up the printed circuit board.


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How to Cite

Durán Carrillo, E. J., Zaldivar Santana, A. S., & Pérez Campos, J. C. (2024). Unification of printed circuit boards of voltage regulators and compensators for domestic use. Transdigital, 5(9), e315. https://doi.org/10.56162/transdigital315



Research reports
