Analysis of customer service in small and medium-sized financial companies in Queretaro, Mexico




customer service, competitive advantage, SMEs, communication


Customer service is a fundamental element so that small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), which constitute the economic engine of Mexico, can remain in the market and, eventually, stand out among the competition. This research analyzed the main problems that exist in financial SMEs in Queretaro, Mexico, with a quantitative approach. A survey of ten items was applied to ten Queretaro SMEs with the Google forms application. The main findings suggest that, to improve the customer service of financial SMEs, it is necessary to plan continuous and sustainable growth to consolidate the strategic positioning in the market. The above would be possible with highly trained personnel, adequate work tools, and information systems that allow informed decisions to be made and create a competitive advantage to differentiate ourselves from competitors. Communication was a high-impact element: so that the information provided to the client is effective and their needs are met, it is necessary to continue the study of effective communication processes.


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How to Cite

Galván Ramírez, C. E. (2024). Analysis of customer service in small and medium-sized financial companies in Queretaro, Mexico . Transdigital, 5(9), e301.



Research reports
