Usability of a mobile application for learning algorithms




usability, mobile application, algorithms, evaluation


In the scientific literature, a high failure rate has been identified in educational experiences of algorithms, programming and data structure. This research designed and implemented a mobile application based on the ADDIE method, attached to the content of the study program of the educational experience of Programming Fundamentals of the Bachelor's Degree in Administrative Computing Systems of the Universidad Veracruzana, México. Applications must have essential requirements for their full use, which is why usability is essential. The objective of this research was to evaluate the degree of usability of the mobile application for learning algorithms. To achieve the above, an evaluation instrument based on the ISO 25010 Standard was applied to 50 university students. The usability results were satisfactory. The acceptance of the application by students is recognized, which is why it is considered an attractive tool, easy to use and with appropriate content and activities.


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"Usability of a mobile application for learning algorithms"

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How to Cite

Otero Escobar, A. D., & Mercado del Collado, R. J. (2024). Usability of a mobile application for learning algorithms. Transdigital, 5(9), e300.



Research reports
