Development of a mobile application for community savings and loan groups




community savings and loan groups, software development, multidisciplinary learning


The formation of community savings and loan groups is a strategy for people in poverty to take ownership of their development process. Since 2015, the Autonomous University of Querétaro has promoted its creation in rural areas of the state and, as a result, young people and women have mobilized their own economic resources to meet their needs. However, given the regularity with which basic arithmetic errors occur in sessions, an area for improvement in automating group accounting was identified. Thus, the main objective of the research was to develop a mobile application to systematize the administration of the community savings and loan groups accompanied by the University. For the development of the application, an incremental software development methodology was used. The basic modules of the application are presented, describing its elements and functionality. In addition, a reflection is made on the challenges presented by the adoption of this type of technology in rural areas, as well as the learning generated in the joint work between scientists from the computational and social areas.


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How to Cite

Chávez Alcalá, M. J., Luna Sánchez, E., & Vargas Díaz, J. A. (2024). Development of a mobile application for community savings and loan groups. Transdigital, 5(10), e260.



Research reports
