Implementation of Physical Computing to teach the fundamentals of applications programming in work contexts




BBC Micro:Bit, Computer Sciences, Fundamentals of Applications Programing, Physical Computing


Teaching applications programming is a difficult task, since it is necessary to understand different characteristic elements of Computer Sciences, as well as the study of the syntax and grammar of programming languages. Due to this difficulty, there are currently different methodologies, techniques and approaches for the effective teaching of the fundamentals of applications programming, and one of these approaches is known as Physical Computing, which uses both electronic components (programmable cards, integrated circuits, etc.) and software components (programs, codes and applications). With the Physical Computation, satisfactory results have been obtained for teaching the fundamentals of programming. This document presents the results of the implementation of Physical Computing using the BBC Micro:Bit pocket-sized computer in a seminar implemented with 16 workers from the Computing Department and the Department of Innovation and Information Technologies of the Autonomous University of Querétaro, in a concept test focused on the consolidation of the fundamentals of applications programming, through Physical Computing. This research was of a quantitative type for the analysis of the information through pre-test and post-test questionnaires and through a Likert Scaling questionnaire to obtain the perception of the seminar participants. 


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Implementación del Cómputo Físico-IMG

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How to Cite

Riquelme, J., Vicario, C. M., & García, M. T. (2020). Implementation of Physical Computing to teach the fundamentals of applications programming in work contexts. Transdigital, 1(1).



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