Transmedia communication in fashion museums: a systematic review of the literature




Social networks, transmedia communication, fashion exhibitions, fashion museums


For a long time the fashion was shunned by museum elites. However, in the last half century, it has conquered spaces within museum institutions. Even designers like Balenciaga, Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci or Ferragamo now have museums that collect their work. The study aimed to understand how scientific literature addresses the issue of transmedia communication in museums, especially those dedicated to fashion. A systematic review of the literature was carried out from the Scopus and Google Scholar databases. The inclusion criterion was the open access of the documents and allowed the collection of 1,877 articles based on the objective initially set; 64 were analyzed, which complied with the rigor required by the investigation. The analysis focused on those investigations dedicated to cultural communication and museums, the communication of fashion museums, the communication strategies of fashion exhibitions, temporary fashion exhibitions and their communication, as well as the communication implemented in the fashion houses museums It is concluded that transmedia communication in museums is almost null, not only because of the low number of publications on the subject, but also because the existing ones do not highlight the importance of prosumers in communication strategies, nor have they paid attention to museums. dedicated to fashion The research has the limitation of not having included the Web of Science database, which would amplify the understanding of the phenomenon.


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How to Cite

González Liendo, J. (2023). Transmedia communication in fashion museums: a systematic review of the literature. Transdigital, 4(8), 1–23.



Research reports
