Structural modification of biphenylen-Isatin polymers and applications in CMM membranes: Effect on transport properties




Carbon Sieve Membrane, solubility, POBI’s


Molecular Mesh Carbon Membranes (MMCM) present excellent chemical and thermal properties, easily exceeding the typical tradeoff between permeability and selectivity in gas separation processes. However, the yield and the transport mechanisms involved in the separation are not very clear. The main precursor polymers for the synthesis of MMCM are limited to phenolic resins, polyimides and highly aromatic structures. This opens the opportunity to explore new polymeric materials as precursors. For example, the different variants of poly(oxyndolilidene arylene)s, POXINARs. This research focuses on evaluating the separation performance of MMCM structurally modified with para-fluorophenyl groups. MMCM were synthesized from the precursors poly(2-oxo-3-biphenylene)indole [POBI-H], and poly(2-oxo-3-biphenylene-1-(4-fluoro)phenylindole [POBI-FPh]. The characterization was carried out by means of infrared microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis and, finally, the transport properties of pure gases were evaluated at temperatures of 30, 40 and 45 °C and a pressure difference of 2 atm.


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How to Cite

Ortiz-Espinoza, J., & Aguilar-Vega, M. (2023). Structural modification of biphenylen-Isatin polymers and applications in CMM membranes: Effect on transport properties. Transdigital, 4(8), 1–16.



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