Bibliometric analysis of education as a common good. A focus on digital transformation




Education, Common Good, Covid-19, Digital transformation


Traditional educational systems have focused on solving social problems through the economic performance of the country, but they have frequently neglected other objectives that favor the creation of privileged groups. This is because a commercial and technical education has been provided with little impact on sustainability, social good, and social justice. Education as a common good aim to solve this problem by providing an education based on a humanist vision, focused on human dignity and the well-being of the members of the world. The theoretical construct of education as a common good, like any other, is in constant evolution. Limitations and theoretical gaps have even been identified when the concept is attributed to education. In this sense, it is important to update and reinterpret its concept from the perspective of global trends and challenges. Therefore, the objective of this article was to characterize education as a common good, emphasizing the dynamics presented from the coronavirus crisis and digital transformation. A systematic review of the bibliometric literature made it possible to systematize and classify different theoretical perspectives longitudinally. Key terms that characterized the concept of education as a public good from 2000 to 2022 were identified. Likewise, little-explored veins of research were identified, which contributes to the frontier of knowledge in a descriptive way.

Author Biographies

María del Pilar Escott-Mota, Autonomous University of Querétaro, Mexico





Francisco Flores-Agüero, Autonomous University of Querétaro, Mexico






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How to Cite

Escott-Mota, M. del P., Bermúdez-Peña, C. P., & Flores-Agüero, F. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of education as a common good. A focus on digital transformation. Transdigital, 4(7), 1–13.



Research reports
