Education and literacy in media and information and communication technologies: its instrumental and cognitive dimension
media education, media literacy, information literacy, digital literacy, ICTAbstract
The aim of this paper is to theoretically and conceptually discuss the different education and literacy proposals that have been made around the media and digital information and communication technologies (TDIC, also called ICT) to contribute to the construction of the state of the art. The theoretical perspective is interdisciplinary, mainly from Education Sciences and Information and Communication Sciences. It is a qualitative, documentary research, with a heuristic-hermeneutic methodology. The analysis of the texts under study shows that media education has a long history, parallel to their development. In addition to the above, throughout the last decades, there has been a multiplicity of proposals and denominations of literacy around the media and the TDIC. However, the most supported are media, information and digital literacy. These proposals vary by privileging either a strictly instrumental dimension or another cognitive-instrumental dimension –including a critical attitude towards old and new media– from their first expressions. The challenge is to put into practice a formal, non-formal and informal education that attends to such proposals in order to move towards their full concretion.
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