Perspectives and experiences of UNAM faculty during the pandemic: continuities and changes in interactions, tools, evaluation and teacher education needs
higher education, COVID-19, educational strategies, emergency remote educationAbstract
The aim of the research was to identify the continuities and changes that high school and undergraduate teachers from the National Autonomous University of Mexico registered in the interactions, digital tools, evaluation strategies and training interests in the survey that the Coordination of the Open University, Educational Innovation and Distance Education of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, surveyed from April to August 2021 and compare some of these results with a survey carried out in June 2020. The research method was a cross-sectional survey-type study with exploratory and descriptive objectives. There was a statistically representative sample: n=854 high school teachers and n=1,386 undergraduate teachers. The results are generalizable to the teaching staff of the upper secondary education subsystems and at a higher level by area of ??knowledge. The results suggest that there is an increase in teachers who frequently use group class interaction and individual tasks; an increase in teachers who frequently use digital tools and evaluation strategies was also identified with respect to the second questionnaire. In general, the order of options that the teachers said they used very frequently was maintained between the second and third questionnaires; this includes training topics. The main conclusions refer to the fact that there are continuities in the interaction, use of digital tools, evaluation strategies and training topics in the two surveys and to a lesser extent there were changes. The need to think about these continuities and differences from a didactic interactions approach is raised.
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