Triadic semiotic registers and information and communication technologies in scientific literacy processes




training, triadic semiotic registers, information and communication technologies, work and energy


This document is part of a research project in didactics of physics in middle school students and emphasizes the understanding of the processes of formation or literacy in semiotic registers from Duval's theory of semiotic representation registers (TSRR) and the use of information and communication technologies. By means of a pretest - training - posttest process, no significant differences were observed when organizing the data by question of the questionnaire that was applied or by students through a parametric analysis with the student's t test, however, significant differences were observed when the data was classified between students who receive the face-to-face and virtual training process. Although it is not possible to establish a dependency relationship between groups of records and the average results, it stands out that the records with three components show greater significant variations than those with two components. The data is not conclusive and further investigation is encouraged.


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How to Cite

Mosquera Lozano, E., Londoño Villamil, G., & Idoyaga, I. J. (2022). Triadic semiotic registers and information and communication technologies in scientific literacy processes . Transdigital, 3(6), 1–23.



Research reports
