Situated learning applied to first year university students




situated learning, online learning, Higher education, multimedia teaching


The first year at the university is important for students to become interested in their field of study and forge their professional path. However, frequently this does not happen because they are not attracted by the training material. Augmented situated learning with multimedia allows students to be exposed to significant scenarios that can favor their interest early on. In this study, a quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-tests and a control group was applied to a sample of 62 students to observe the effect of using situated digital content to support the learning of first-year college students. Findings suggest that the students who used situated digital multimedia content increased their learning performance than that of the control group, in addition to the fact that the students in the experimental group showed greater interest in interacting with educational material in different digital media. In this sense, incorporating digital and multimedia educational material with situational characteristics that allow first-year university students to experience significant scenarios improves their learning outcomes and helps them better adapt to the educational process.


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How to Cite

Peña Azpiri, M. Ángel, & Peña Estrada, C. C. (2022). Situated learning applied to first year university students. Transdigital, 3(6), 1–18.



Research reports
