Perception of the interaction and support among students and teachers in virtual learning environments

The case of the degree in Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico




interaction, motivation, accompaniment, social media, distance learning


This article describes the impact of interaction and support on academic motivation, considering the perspective of distance students studying Psychology at National Autonomous University of Mexico. This is a quantitative study, not experimental. The sample was made up of 76 students, between 20 and 66 years old, with an average of 38.84. Of this sample, 30 participants exclusively used the Moodle platform, followed by 36 students who used Moodle and used a disciplinary social network called Iztasocial. A questionnaire was applied with 15 items based on a 5-point Likert-type scale, which included constructs adapted from the Attributional Achievement Motivation Scale and the Interaction in Virtual Learning Contexts Scale. The findings showed significant differences when comparing both groups, indicating a greater perception of the lack of teaching resources to improve the teaching process by users of the social network. A greater perception was found regarding the lack of interaction and support those students in the 20- to 30-year-old group receive. With this it was possible to visualize the needs that the student community presents regarding its virtual learning environment.

Author Biography

José Manuel Meza Cano, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

Profesor Titular "A". Tiempo Completo


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"Perception of the interaction and support among students and teachers in virtual learning environments: the case of the degree in Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico"

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How to Cite

Medrano Figueroa, R. D., & Meza Cano, J. M. (2024). Perception of the interaction and support among students and teachers in virtual learning environments: The case of the degree in Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Transdigital, 5(9), e310.



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