The configuration of a new public space in sociodigital networks: participation and political practices




participatory culture, narratives, social media, public sphere, political culture


In recent years, the participation of citizens in political life has been the subject of analysis. Electoral normality in Mexico has facilitated the path of political alternations and the proper functioning of the election processes at all levels. However, it is considered that, in this dynamic, it is necessary to strengthen the participation of citizens in matters of public interest. Based on the concept of participatory culture, which serves as a reference to debate the classic definition of public space, users in socio media were asked how they value their participation in the generation, exchange, or level of involvement in discussions of political content in social media. The results presented in this paper, recovered from a non-probabilistic survey carried out in social media, reveal some level of participation and generation of political content, but, on more than one occasion, users are limited to being spectators of the debate. that emerges in virtual spaces.


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How to Cite

Corral Velázquez, G. A. (2023). The configuration of a new public space in sociodigital networks: participation and political practices. Transdigital, 4(7), 1–21.



Research reports
