Democracy and the human future




ethics, society, history, community, human socialism


When analyzing human history from a moral point of view, it is clear that the accumulation of power and wealth is the generator of the current great social crisis; that is the focus that generates other crises that overwhelm humanity today. The different economic systems reflect the taking of political, social and economic control by a minority, under the premise of being the protectors of the social order. But neoliberalism has shown that these minorities are only interested in money and, to do so, they have dedicated themselves to the plundering of human wealth. It is necessary to return to the assessment of good and bad, goodness and evil, and the appropriation of moral discourse, which until now has served to justify all those actions that go against human development and that perpetuate social differences. At the same time, ethics and politics, which can humanize society, have been pushed aside by economic power as a way to control economic minorities. But within societies, large contingents of people have created the foundations of different societies that seek to establish human ties that allow the existence of a future of peace and justice. That is to say, in the human future there is the decision to revalue the good, the goodness and eliminate the traces of the social relations of dispossession.


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How to Cite

Rodarte García, R. (2024). Democracy and the human future. Transdigital, 5(9), e302.



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