Bibliometric mapping of strategies to improve speaking skills in learning English




language, speaking, learning, skill, strategy, teacher, student


Learning the English language is a fundamental skill in education and career development. The speaking skill is the most challenging and critical of all the skills that are developed when learning a new language. Taking this into account, the impact of pedagogical and technological strategies on the development of speaking in English learning was analyzed. For this, the benefits and challenges faced by teaching this skill in the classroom were addressed. A systematic review was carried out with a descriptive approach to analyze scientific research published in the last five years. For this, scientific databases such as Dialnet, Scielo, Semantics Scholar, Scopus and Google Scholar were reviewed. Likewise, the process was carried out in three phases: identification of keywords, selection of recent publications and a critical reflection of the authors' findings. The variables analyzed were language, English, speaking, learning, students, skills, the role of the teacher, and information and communication technologies. The analysis revealed various correlations between the key variables in the context of English learning.


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How to Cite

García Pedraza, D., & Morales Pulido, M. I. (2024). Bibliometric mapping of strategies to improve speaking skills in learning English. Transdigital, 5(10), e371.



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