Automation of administrative texts and formal communication with ChatGPT




Computer literacy, Writing (composition), Artificial intelligence


Text creation processes are undergoing profound transformations driven by the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, particularly by Large Language Models (LLM) such as ChatGPT. In Mexico, an increase in the use of LLMs has been observed among university students, who primarily employ them to gather information without verification and generate complete tasks based on a few sentences. These uses are often unbeneficial as they can lead to the spread of false or imprecise information and, in many cases, academic dishonesty ensues. In response to these challenges, this scientific essay proposes a technique for automating the drafting of administrative and formal communication texts, specifically designed for the university environment, and utilizing ChatGPT. The technique is divided into four phases: 1) Identification of the text type; 2) Gather of information; 3) Generation of the prompt; and 4) Review. It is expected that this article will contribute to raising awareness about the limitations and potential errors of ChatGPT while highlighting its practical applications. Additionally, it is anticipated that this technique will streamline the drafting of simple texts, enabling individuals to free up time for more complex tasks.


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How to Cite

Santiago-Ruiz, E. (2024). Automation of administrative texts and formal communication with ChatGPT. Transdigital, 5(9), e297.



Scientific essays
