Digital competence in university students: a systematic review




digital competences, digital skills, students, university


The aim of the study was to develop a systematic review of literature on digital competence in university students, to guide future research. A qualitative documentary research was carried out in two phases: heuristics and hermeneutics. The articles mostly use the quantitative approach and descriptive scope, revealing valuable information about the digital competence of university students. However, given the descriptive nature of the studies, there is not enough depth into the variables that could explain the results obtained. It is concluded that research with explanatory and correlational scope is required to better understand digital competence in university students, considering factors such as performance evaluations and personal beliefs.


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How to Cite

Neri Tapia, L., Mortis Lozoya, S. V., & Escudero-Nahón, A. (2023). Digital competence in university students: a systematic review. Transdigital, 4(8), 1–15.



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