Utilizing the R Language in Exploring Neuroscientific Findings in Mexico:

Environmental Factors and Neuroeducation





Data mining, Language R, Neurosciences, Neuroscience, Methodology


The current investigation delves into neuroscience findings concerning neuroeducation and educational research conducted in Mexico or by Mexican scholars. The study aims to perform a comprehensive review of the scientific output pertaining to neuroscientific discoveries associated with environmental factors and their interplay with neuroeducation in the Mexican context, employing data mining techniques. Specifically, the analysis is carried out using the R Language and involves exploration of the PubMed database. Among the initial pool of 76,844 records, 13 articles were selected for further analysis based on alignment with the research objectives. The utilization of data mining as a methodological approach not only streamlines document analysis but also facilitates exploration through additional tools such as sentiment analysis or opinion mining. These methods introduce novel avenues for conducting research by leveraging the extensive body of web-based literature.


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How to Cite

Torres-Aguilar, X., Buendia-Lozada, E. R. P., & Flores-Olvera, D. M. C. (2024). Utilizing the R Language in Exploring Neuroscientific Findings in Mexico:: Environmental Factors and Neuroeducation. Transdigital, 5(9), e289. https://doi.org/10.56162/transdigital289



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