Artificial intelligence and teachers

A bibliometric study




teachers, artificial intelligence, bibliometric study


A bibliometric analysis was carried out with 897 research articles on artificial intelligence and teachers, using the results from the Dimensions metasearch engine. The data set obtained was analyzed with Bibliometrix and Vosviewer, with the aim of providing information on research trends on artificial intelligence and teachers. The main results show that research in this area of knowledge goes from 1978 to 2023. Key trends were identified, such as the notable increase in research starting in 2018 and the predominance of publications in journals such as Education and Information Technologies, Sustainability, and International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. Geographically, China leads research in this area, followed by the United States and Spain. Despite the vast production, there are obvious geographic gaps, with countries like Mexico showing limited participation. The most prominent authors in this field come predominantly from Asia, with Chai Ching Sing and Thomas Chiu being central figures in the discussion. Through a co-authorship and citation analysis, seminal works that have influenced current research directions were identified. In conclusion, this study offers a broad and detailed overview of the relationship between artificial intelligence and teachers, highlighting areas of interest and future opportunities for researchers and educators.


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"Artificial intelligence and teachers: A bibliometric study"

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How to Cite

Almaraz Rodríguez, O. D. (2024). Artificial intelligence and teachers: A bibliometric study. Transdigital, 5(9), e279.



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