Thermal response of the biceps and quadriceps in swimming speed and distance tests




Infrared thermography, swimming, muscle activation


Swimming is a sport that requires the activation of different muscle groups. Excessive demand can have a direct impact on the swimmer's condition. Therefore, it is important to monitor muscle activity. This study aimed to demonstrate the differences and similarities of muscle activation through thermography in different swimming styles. The activation of the different muscle groups that participate in each technical gesture, of each of the swimming styles, was identified. Likewise, the thermal increase in the energy requirement of these muscle areas was analyzed. Ten high-performance swimmers were studied; five men and five women, who were divided according to the test they performed, speed or distance. A thermal imaging camera was used to collect the samples. Among the advantages of this technology is that it is a non-invasive and harmless tool. The images were taken at an effective intervention time. Two muscle groups were compared: the biceps of the upper body and the quadriceps of the lower body biceps. During the two study sessions, the pool was at an average temperature of 28°C±1°C. The temperature analysis before the tests shows a maximum temperature reached of 32°C±1°C for each muscle group studied; the temperature difference between the biceps and quadriceps was 1°C ±1°C. Knowing the muscle demand by zone can make training more objective.


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How to Cite

Mejía Moreno, S., Trejo Chávez, O., & Cruz-Albarrán, I. A. (2023). Thermal response of the biceps and quadriceps in swimming speed and distance tests. Transdigital, 4(8), 1–13.



Research reports
