Educational innovation to strengthen the soft skills of undergraduate students




Innovation, soft skills, integral formation, innovative learning


Starting from the need that undergraduate students have to develop and strengthen soft skills, an innovative research-based learning project was put into operation at the Ciénega University Center of the University of Guadalajara. The purpose of the study was, mainly, to enhance students' soft skills that guarantee greater opportunities to enter the labor market professionally. The methodology was conducted with an inductive method with a qualitative descriptive and explanatory approach as it corresponds to a specific case. The population was taken from 2,506 students from six majors in Economic-Administrative Sciences and of them, the participating sample was 520 students enrolled in the administration degree in one school period. As the most relevant results, an increase in the index was achieved degree in the thesis modality, as well as the application of generic skills that promote leadership and creativity. In the 2019-2020 school year there was no record of research thesis work for the degree process, unlike the 2022-2023 cycle, more than forty degrees have been carried out in the Bachelor of Administration through the research thesis option. The participation of more than 200 students in early research projects, resilience and information and communication technologies can be added as important achievements of the initiative.


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How to Cite

Castellanos Villarruel, M. S., Guzmán Mares, L., & Macías Guzmán, J. O. (2024). Educational innovation to strengthen the soft skills of undergraduate students. Transdigital, 5(9), e267.



Research reports
