Mediating effect of school climate between socioeconomic status and academic performance in Spanish students




Clima escolar, Desempeño académico, Estatus socioeconómico, PISA 2018


Previous research has shown that socioeconomic status is related to students' academic performance, and this trend is present among 15-year-old Spanish students, according to the PISA 2018 data. In this edition, Spain scored below the OECD average in mathematics and science, along with a decrease in the number of outstanding students in the program, which is concerning since a country's economic success is linked to the academic performance of its members. Previous studies have observed that the school climate is a factor that mitigates the negative impact that other factors often have on academic performance. Therefore, in this study, the factors of the school climate that are relevant in different groups of students were identified, according to their socioeconomic status. Using Structural Equation Models and the PISA 2018 database, it was observed that the school climate has a direct effect on academic performance, which can mediate the effect of socioeconomic status and becomes a determining factor in identifying whether a student will have outstanding performance within their study group. Furthermore, the results indicate that the factors that comprise the school climate affect students' academic performance differently depending on their socioeconomic status.


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How to Cite

Vite-Castro, J. J., & Huerta-Manzanilla, E. L. (2023). Mediating effect of school climate between socioeconomic status and academic performance in Spanish students. Transdigital, 4(8), 1–22.



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