Notes for the study of the social communication and the cost of social in communication




society, comunication


Ten years ago José Cisneros published a volume intended to celebrate the first fifty years of our profession. This publication included various perspectives, reflections and self-criticisms of the field of Communication in Mexico. Two are distinguished, from the perspective of who this writes, by the tone of their conclusions. Faced with such a scenario raised by two of the most outstanding minds in the field of Communication of our country (Fátima Fernández and José Cisneros), it remains only to accept as a challenge these expert and informed opinions to find a productive outlet through our imagination and knowledge as academics that we work precisely in the field of Communication in Mexico. This essay reviews these opinions and updates them with new arguments. Of course, and from the ideal, ethical or axiological point of view, what is desired is to find paths and spaces for discussion that lead to a greater and better impact of the profession in the society where the vocation and specialty of communication is exercised. The purpose is to complement the discussion with social indicators that in future works should accompany and contextualize this type of efforts: the study of the social responsibility of Communication in any society, including the Mexican one, is already a central issue to assess fairly, Integral and complete the contribution in social utility to the human and institutional environment that has allowed us to act professionally and as specialists for more than 60 years in Mexico.


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Notas para el estudio de la utilidad social de la comunicación-img

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How to Cite

Nosnik Ostrowiak, A. (2020). Notes for the study of the social communication and the cost of social in communication. Transdigital, 1(1).



Scientific essays
