Students' perception of micro-courses based on Transdigital education




Transdigital education, micro-courses, microlearning, grounded theory


Online education based its instructional models on educational theories that were consolidated in the pre-digital era. With the accelerated growth of phenomena such as deep learning, data mining and Artificial Intelligence (AI), there is a collective reflection on the operational scope of digital technology. The Transdigital concept focuses on using performative networks with heterogeneous elements in association: everything participates when learning. This research carried out an intervention based on a Transdigital education model using micro-courses. Qualitative data were collected through the first two phases of grounded theory analysis: open and axial coding. The results showed that: 1) the teaching guide during Transdigital learning; 2) the need for simplicity in education; and 3) the presence of AI are aspects required by learners. The obligation of formal institutions to recognize the use of non-formal learning resources by learners, and the effectiveness of micro-courses based on a Transdigital education model, were discussed.


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"Students' perception of micro-courses based on Transdigital education"

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How to Cite

Palacios-Díaz, R., & Vicario Solórzano, C. M. (2024). Students’ perception of micro-courses based on Transdigital education. Transdigital, 5(9), e333.



Research reports
